仪器特点 ·采用高精度容栅位移测量系统。 ·电气驱动测头移动,方便可靠。 ·大屏幕点阵液晶 显示,触摸式功能按键,实现简单的人机对话。 ·丰富的统计分析软件。 ·两维数据处理。 ·测量结果打印输出。 ·标准RS232输出。 ·内置气泵。 |
aaaFeatures |
1.测力调节 2.测头座 3.测头 4.气垫 5.大屏幕液晶显示 6.触摸开关 7.RS-232 输出 8.打印机 9.驱动开关 10.气泵开关 11.电源 |
aa技术参数 1.量程 750mm 2.分辨率 0.001mm 3.示值误差 0.0075mm 4.示值重复性 0.002mm (2 σ) 5.测量力 1~3N 可调 6.测量滑架的最大速度 aaaa1 米/秒 7.电源 AC 220V ,50HZ |
1 Adjustment for measuring force 2 Support of probe 3 Probe 4 Air bearing base 5 Dot matrix LCD 6 Touch keyboard 7 Output for RS-232 8 Printer 9 Drive switch 10 Pneumatic button 11 Power |
Technical Data
Measuring range:750mmaaaa Resolution:0.001mm Indication error:0.0075mmaaaa Repeatability:0.002mm Measuring force:1-3N.adjustableaaaa Max. moving speed of measuring slider:1M/Sec Power:AC 220V, 50HZ |
aaaa数显测高仪运用了高精度的容栅式测量系统,其内置 的单片机固化有多种测量模式,使仪器能在垂直方向上完 成面与面,点与面,孔中心到面,轴中心到面,孔中心距,以及孔径和轴径的测量。当工件置于标准的90 量块上时,仪器可实现二维数据的测量并能直角坐标与极坐标的转换,坐标变换,节圆直径的测量,二维数据的统计分析等。 该仪器特别适合箱体类零件的测量,其特有的价格性能比 是各大中小型企业的最佳选择。 | ||
The Electronic Digital Height Measuring Instrument is fitted with the highly precision capacitive measuring system. The built-in micro computer and chips with multi modes make it measuring in perpendicular direction between both surfaces, point and surface, hole center and surface, axle center and surface, alse for center distance of hole, diameter of bore and axle. As parts being on standard 90° measuring block,it can measure and analyze two dimensional data, convert between polar and rectangular coordinate, transfer coordinatesm measure diameter of bolt circle and process for two dimensional data. It is particularly suited for measuring some parts as case shape. It's ratio of price and performance is the optimal option for enterprises.